By Date

By Stage

  • The beginning
  • IVF #1
    Pregnant, but failing. Three fake miscarriages before discovery of ectopic. Methotrexate and the aftermath.
  • IVF #2
    Dominant follicle. Cancelled, converted to IUI. Surprise: it worked! Surprise: it's failing. Miscarriage, D&C, and aftermath.
  • IVF #3
    Uneventful stim. Eggs go splat. The donor egg talk. Negative. A plan and a second opinion.
  • IUI w/injectables #1
    "Excellent stim." Early ovulation. Sex under bitter duress. The unsurprising negative.
  • IUI w/injectables #2
    Shortest ART cycle ever.
  • Waiting
    Trying hard to look busy before IVF #4.
  • IVF #4
    Boring stories. Shooting up in the big city. 11 eggs, 3 embryos. 2 transferred.
  • Pregnant...again
    Doubling hCG. Spotting and freaking. Heartbeat. Still growing. Still freaking. And then things get weird.
  • Bad birth and beyond
    An early birth, far from home. Julie's sick; Charlie's sicker. Notes from the NICU.
  • Home boy
    Breastfeeding sucks. Acid 'flux. Julie self-destructs. Pumped up, laid low, settling in at last.